Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Curling 2011-2012

Just in case we have some eager curlers out there...we do not have a Club President this year.  Hopefully you will hear from your League Reps soon.  Curling should start beginning of  November as usual.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Annual SteakSpiel

The sign-up sheet for the Club's only open bonspiel, the SteakSpiel, was filled with teams wanting to play within days of being posted!  The date of the Spiel was changed to accommodate the Cordwood Bonspiel and now falls on the weekend of the 18th and 19th of March.

Once again, Otonabee Meats is kindly contributing loads of meat for our eating pleasure, while Councillor Joe Taylor is personally donating chicken, meatballs and his well honed skills manning the barbeque!  Prizes will, of course, consist of steak!

A meatlovers treat!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Keene 150th Anniversary Bonspiel!!

Get ready for the outdoors! The outdoor curling ice is ready... besides the snow that is falling right now.... it looks great. The rings have been painted, the ice flooded and the hacks set in place. All we need now is the curlers! Bring out the old brooms. We are bringing out the old rocks. We have a complete set of old timers (rocks, that is) from many different years. It should be interesting!
Hope to see you there, Saturday February 12th from 9:am to 5:pm. We'll also be having chilli back at the club.

 Come help us celebrate.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Celebrating 150 Years of Curling in Keene!!

The Club is celebrating it's 150 year anniversary this year and to commemorate the occasion we are having an outdoor curling bonspiel on Saturday February 12th!  The idea, first suggested by Nikki N., has been met with tremendous enthusiasm.  Dick E.  has been working hard planning (and shoveling) in addition to preparing a documented history of Curling in Keene  which will be available for perusal in the Club Lounge.  Michael G. is organizing the collection of old stones while Conrad B. has offered to paint the rings!  Many club members are chipping in and as the idea grows so too does the list of people wanting to help make this celebration one to remember!

One sheet is being prepared for games on the Indian River north of the bridge on County Road #2 just East of Keene.  A second half sheet will be available for fun!  Four-end games are being scheduled so you'll need to sign a team up on the board in the Club Lounge if you want to play.  Cost is $10/person and includes a bowl of Chili served in the warming space at the Club.  Registration will take place at the Curling Rink.  Be sure to get there early so you can get down to the ice in time for your games!

Parking by the river is limited so we are asking people to park up at the Arena and either car pool down or walk down to the River.

The Club will be open during the day to provide a respite from the cold and Chili and Hot Dogs will be on sale for $3 per bowl for non-curlers.  Hot cider and hot chocolate will be available at a refreshment tent on the ice (at the river).

The Club is also having special pins made to commemorate the occasion.  these will be sold to any and all interested persons for $5 each.