Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh What A Night...Cards and Curling and Fashion Shows!

The Cards and Curling Night was a blast!  We had a few new curlers show up to give the game a try!  And some very willing members joining in to show them the ropes.  We ended up with at least two new spares signing up for our league play.  One of the new spares was so enamoured of the game that he actually bought himself a broom from Quinte Curling Supplies who were on site to show and sell their wares.

There was lot's of camaraderie and a little friendly competition in the card games too (though one yell of Euchre! at one point in the evening sounded a bit more triumphant than friendly!).

And the Business Ladies Curling Fashion Show was well attended and a lot of laughs!  The models had fun sporting about in their new shoes, pants and jackets and waving their new light weight brooms and cozy mitts and gloves.  Everything from sliders to head protection gear and broom bags to delivery aids was modeled, all courtesy of Dave and Sherri from Quinte Curling Supplies out of Belleville.  They had a fair bit of business that night and a fair bit of window was a great way for our Club members to see what's new and what's available in curling supplies!  Dave and Sherri said they would be very happy to come back again and we certainly would be happy to have them back!

The Turkey Draw produced two winners:  Wava B.,  and Beth S.   And we had a 50/50 draw which was won by Dayna A!   There were a few calls of "Fixed, Fixed" ... strangely they all seemed to come from deep male voices?

 Thank-you to everyone for volunteering, attending and making it, all in all, a wonderful evening!

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